
Showing posts with the label photos

Quote of the week...

"Foggy Birch" (Photo credit: J.B. Sommerset) This time, I thought I would get all profound and philosophical with my quote of the week. For the most part I am a minimalist, and don't like a lot of extraneous detail when it comes to my writing and my art. However, occasionally I go out on a limb and post something complicated and "floral". This one is from one of my many works in progress. Hope you all like it. "Let it be said that we are all children; age is an assumption, it is relative to those who have aged. There are always older, wiser and more adult things in this world, and when we are among them, we are without the insights of maturation. In those times, we are children, no matter how old we are." J.B. Sommerset Cheers!

Quote of the week...

(Photo credit: J.B. Sommerset (2024)- Winter is here) I was review some of my old work and I came across this little ditty back from when I still lived in Idaho. Yeah, that was a number of decades ago, but I thought that this quote was still applicable in a number of ways.  "It's better to dig yourself out than to dig yourself further in, your the one who bought the shovel, make sure it's a good investment..." J.B. Sommerset Cheers!